Be the organisation to unlock the potential in your 1 in 5 neurodivergent staff

We specialise in working with organisations to walk the talk of neuroinclusion.

We use our decades of experience to look at how you can make transformative change to increase productivity through leveraging your biggest asset; your staff. Improving how you do all the usual activities of an organisation — project management, governing your work, communicating, pay and reward, recruitment, and all the rest of it — but neuroinclusively.

This means overhauling your culture and employee experience to improve staff retention. Even through the stickiest of change programmes.

Your staff - whatever their brain wiring - want a few simple things.

  • Meaningful work

  • In an organisation that they care about

  • And career progression

That will look totally different from person to person, and that’s okay. But those basic requirements will be there, at the root of their choice of employer, and how long they will stay with you.

Yet very few organisations are getting all of this right.

Layer on neurodivergence, which remember is a minoritised difference in thinking and approach to processing information, communication preferences, and identity, and these elements become even more critical.

That’s because a neurodivergent person can have deeply rooted strengths around…

Out-of-the-box thinking: ND people often think outside the box and have a unique perspective on the world, which can lead to innovative ideas and solutions. They may think outside the box, make unique connections between ideas, and approach problems in unconventional ways. 

Flexibility: Adults with ADHD often have a great deal of flexibility and adaptability, which can serve them well in a constantly changing world. ADHD individuals tend to thrive in dynamic and fast-paced environments. They can quickly adapt to changing circumstances, switch between tasks, and find innovative solutions to challenges. 

Honest and Direct Communication: Autistic individuals often exhibit straightforward and honest communication styles. They may have less inclination to engage in social pleasantries or deception, which can contribute to open and genuine interactions. 

Quick Thinking and Problem-Solving: Individuals with ADHD often exhibit fast thinking skills and have the ability to think on their feet. They can make connections quickly, see patterns, and find innovative solutions to problems. 

Strengths in Social Interaction: The autistic communication experience can vary widely and there are many communication strengths that are not talked about. Many autistic individuals are caring, attentive and highly empathic.

(We thank Divergent Life for the above content that outlines neurodivergence traits).

Imagine harnessing these strengths in your organisation? You can do that by creating an environment that supports the use of these skills.

By implementing the right reasonable adjustments, providing neuroaffirming coaching, and relatively small changes in organisational policies and working practices .


We have a very simple, high value approach

We take a people first, neuroaffirming approach to diagnosing what business areas your organisation could improve to make them more neuroinclusive.

Then we support you to implement the recommendations. These recommendations can include:

  • Reasonable adjustments that support your neurodivergent colleagues to thrive and achieve their potential (read more in our journal)

  • Changes to recruitment processes that are more neuroinclusive

  • Adjustments to your people policies that support and enhance neurodiversity rather than exclude

  • Training on neuroinclusivity

  • Somatic coaching for neurodivergent individuals

  • Leadership coaching and strengths analysis

  • Assessments for staff to understand their neurotypes, strengths and ways to improve productivity

  • Support for staff to self-advocate

  • Neuroinclusive sensory restoration workshops for team building and wellbeing reset

No change management process is complete without bringing people along with you. So we will also devise a change management plan using the COM-B model of behaviour change, to embed change with your staff.

And we can help you set up KPIs to monitor how the change is going through delivery and beyond, allowing you, your leadership team, and shareholders/trustees the assurance that neuroinclusion is making a lasting difference.

Our Services

  • A team of people sat around a desk, watching a training video on neuroinclusion


    Team based learning workshops for up to 10 staff at a time, introducing neurodiversity concepts and the importance of becoming neuroaffirming.


    Neuroinclusion and neuroaffirming practices

    Understanding neurocomplexity and hormones

    Accommodations and why they matter

  • Hormone and Menopause Coaching

    Individual and group coaching for women of all neurotypes experiencing challenges with their menstrual cycle, perimenopause, and menopause.


    The biological processes of hormones

    Women's life stages

    Becoming neuroaffirming

  • Two people having a coaching conversation at a desk with a laptop

    Neuroaffirming Trauma Informed Coaching

    Individual neuroaffirming and trauma informed coaching for all neurodivergent people, supporting their discovery, growth, identity.


    The sensory world

    Strengths and qualities

    Identify fear-based decision making

  • Group of people stood around a coach looking at a kanban board

    Organisational Diagnosis

    Full diagnostic assessment of your organisation and how neuroinclusively you are operating to create a nurturing environment for staff.


    Sensory Matrix assessments

    Sensory and somatic coaching

    System, process and policy developments

  • woven heart painted in rainbow colours

    Sensory Restorative Workshops

    In partnership with Stillness Within, we provide sensory restorative workshops to bring your teams back to equilibrium. These are specially designed to support mental health and wellbeing.


    Somatic Yoga and movement flow

    Aromatherapy make and take

    Soundbath and meditations

We know this is an important decision

Investing in your organisation and staff to become more neuroinclusive is a big decision. So we’ve curated some resources to help you.

Message us below and we will send you some free downloadables to give you some insight into what you’ll get from our services, and a bit more info on neuroinclusive practices.

Let’s work together.

Drop us an email using the form to get your free downloadables.

If you want to, you can also outline a few key areas you are struggling with when it comes to neuroinclusion.

We’ll respond within 24 hours.