supportive. experiential. effective.

neuroinclusion. with SEE.c


Become neuroinclusive with SEE.c

Hi there, we’re SEE Consultancy.

At SEE.c, we’re hyper-focused on helping you achieve your organisational mission through leveraging your biggest asset.

Your Staff.

The experience your employees have at work matters. A lot.

If you want a productive, happy workforce, who innovate, test new ideas, and are agile and responsive to change, you need a neuroinclusive working environment.

A neuroinclusive environment means creating an organisation that is accepting, inviting, and supportive to the 1 in 5 neurodivergent people who work for you.

SEE.c helps you do that compassionately and with kindness so your staff can thrive and grow.

What is neuroinclusion?

And why does it matter?

Every person in your organisation has a unique brain wiring. The way they process information, consider problems, approach their work, absorb and react to change - every single person will do these tasks differently. This is called neurodiversity.

To truly catalyse and leverage the talent in your organisation, these differences need to be understood and supported. Organisations, like society, tend to be set up for people who are in the tranche that is referred to as neurotypical. Meaning the majority of thinkers.

The brain wiring of the neuro-majority is what organisations are most familiar with.

But it’s estimated that around 20% of your workforce is neurodivergent. Meaning they do not fit within the narrow confines of typical approaches to thinking and operating in the workplace.

Let’s consider that for a moment. Around a fifth (at it’s most conservative estimate - we think it’s nearer half) of your staff think entirely differently from the neurotype that you’ve designed your systems, processes, ways of working, culture and policies around. So then, it is easy to make the jump that if you can provide an environment that allows everyone to thrive, your organisation is going to be even more productive.

The other factor to consider with neuroinclusion is safety. Humans need to feel psychologically safe for them to perform at their best, grow, and develop. If we don’t feel safe, the parts of our brains that do all the problem solving, reasoning, planning, develop relationships, and process information cannot function.

Neuroinclusion is about providing a psychologically safe working environment for your staff that provides for all neurotypes, not just one.

What we do

Here’s a little snippet of the services we offer, to find out more, go to our services page by clicking the button below.

  • We can provide 1-1 and group coaching to neurodivergent women in your organisation to understand and work with their hormones throughout key life stages, including perimenopause and menopause.

  • We can provide 1-1 coaching for staff with a leadership role to lead from a place of calm, safety, recognising when they are operating from a place of fear, unconfidence, and overwhelm.

  • Our workshops and training sessions support all of your staff to become neuroaffirming super colleagues. We teach about:

    • Neurodivergence strengths and challenges

    • The autonomic nervous system

    • How to be neuroaffirming and inclusive

    To build high performing teams.

  • We can work closely with your organisation for up to 12 months to build the systems, processes, procedures, ways of working, and culture to be a truly neuroinclusive organisation. Be more…

    • Productive

    • Results oriented

    • Caring and supportive

    By supporting the 1 in 5 neurodivergent people in your organisation to thrive.

Benefits for you…

Boost morale and build trust

A bad employee experience leads to distrust, dysfunction, and ultimately low morale. This can cost your organisation hundreds of thousands of pounds in lost productivity.

A happy workforce is a productive workforce.

Reduce BS in the workplace

Your ND colleagues have noses like a bloodhound for BS.

We show you how to use this unappreciated skill to improve relationships and working practices, focusing your organisation on the change activities that will have impact. Not pet projects that won’t.

Increase productivity

You can’t keep asking your staff to just keep doing more. At some point, you need to take a look at your systems and processes and make adjustments.

Identifying your brightest staff members on developing processes will result in more efficient and effective ways of working.

Increase staff retention

An ND colleague who feels valued, listened to, and supported to grow in whatever way works for them will result in high staff retention, reduced sick leave, and a better relationship between staff and HR.

Get leaders walking the talk

If the leadership culture is one of dismissal to the needs of neurodivergent colleagues, then you will never tap into that pool of talent that is sitting and waiting to be utilised.

Leadership must be bought into neuroinclusion.

Challenge social norms

We are all learning and growing. Nobody is a complete specialist on diversity, equity and inclusion.

But we can all be champions of the need to educate ourselves, and continue challenging the status quo.

Contact us.
07912 177398

Cambridgeshire, UK


At SEE.c, we take the mystery out of becoming a truly neuroinclusive organisation, that walks the talk of diversity, equality and inclusion for all neurotypes.

Business Group In A Meeting Room In The Office


Notes from our journal